I was blown away by the awesome things both teachers had to say! More than once, they said they can't believe that she's one of the youngest kids in her class, yet she's got it all together. Even kids who are almost a year older don't have their stuff together like she does. Wow.
Here are some of the teachers' comments:
In terms of social/emotional skills, she articulates thoughts, feelings, and ALL her ideas well. She's often shows her creations to the teachers and is proud of her work.
In terms of language/literacy, often has astute and interesting contributions; recognizes and creates rhymes. When one of her classmates brought the book "Monster at the end of the book" to share in class, she could recite the book from start to finish. She can tell coherent jokes (unusual for a young or old 4-year-old and she is young!) The teachers also said these are obvious signs that she's read to a lot at home! :) Also, she can count to 100+ and is the only in class that can also write her last name. Did I say that I'm a proud momma already?!
The most surprising part of our conference today wasn't all the rave things that her teachers had to say, it was how I was affected afterward. I struggle often with anxiety over whether I'm doing right by her, if I'm providing her with what she needs to learn and grown, if I'm doing a good job in general. Though my husband is 100% supportive and always says that I am, I have lots of self-doubt and wish I could do this or that better or differently somehow. Not to diminish my husband and his opinion of me, but the parent/teacher conference today just made me a bit more confident that WE are doing right by her.
I'll stop gushing now and show you a story Sofia made up (an adult helped her write it down) with her drawings that go with the story.
She's also a little bit obsessed with princesses, fairy tales, and fairies.
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